Welcome, on this page contains all the key information for children ADHD

“ADHD is not a disablilty, it’s a different ability” Edward M.

Symptoms in children and teenagers


Children and teenagers with ADHD typically exhibit well-defined symptoms before the age of six. They happen in a variety of settings, including the house and the classroom.

Youngsters may exhibit signs of impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattentiveness, or they may only exhibit signs of one of these behavioural patterns.


Related conditions in children and teenagers with ADHD

-Anxiety disorders can cause physical symptoms like sweating, dizziness, and a fast heartbeat in addition to making your child anxious and tense most of the time.

The diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is characterised by disruptive and negative behaviour, especially directed at parents and other authority figures.

-conduct disorder: this is characterised by a propensity for extremely antisocial behaviour, including fighting, stealing, vandalism, and hurting people or animals.

-Sleep issues include having trouble falling asleep at night and experiencing erratic sleeping patterns.

-Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological disorder marked by a combination of uncontrollable tics, or noises, and movements.



Click For Information on Adult ADHD